This legacy web site is no longer updated but will remain online for the foreseeable future. UUhistle is not being actively supported or developed. Successor systems include Jsvee and Kelmu.

UUhistle as an Applet

This example code shows how to include UUhistle in a web page as an applet.

<applet id="UUhistle" 

  <param name="submit_type" value="POST">
  <param name="submit_url"  value="">
  <param name="exercises"   value="">

  Your browser doesn't support Java applets.


You can use either UUhistle_lean.jar or UUhistle_full.jar from the Downloads page.

You can use the following applet parameters. All of them are optional.

Parameter Explanation
course_idAn identifier for a course that uses the UUhistle applet. If this is given, then users of the applet can load example programs and exercises from a course config file whose name features the course ID. (See how to create course config files.)
exercise_idAn identifier of a particular example program within the course config file. If given, the exercise with this ID is immediately loaded when UUhistle starts. If there is a dot in the ID, the part before the dot is used as the course ID and the course_id parameter is ignored.
exercisesAn URL that specifies the directory where the course config file is located. Unless given, the applet's location will be used as a default. Must begin with http:// or https://  (See how to create course config files.)
submit_typeIf set to the value POST, allows users to submit their solutions (for grading and/or logging purposes). If not set, users can not send their solutions.
submit_urlDefines where results are POSTed. Required if submit_type is set to POST. Must contain the full URL, e.g.  Read more on POSTing solutions.
user_idA value that identifies the user (student) using UUhistle. If given, POSTed submissions will automatically contain this ID. Otherwise, UUhistle will prompt the user for an ID before they send a solution.